The Park Walk Board of Governors (Disbanded)
The school governors played a key role in the life and running of Park Walk Primary School. The board was an elected body drawn from the school’s various stakeholders including parents, staff and the local community. It had important legal powers and had strategic oversight of the school and its activities.
Other roles of the Board of Governors were to:
The Board of Governors met once a term - Autumn and Spring and twice a term during the Summer. Additionally it had two sub-committees which met twice-termly during the Autumn and once-termly during the Spring and Summer with a focus on: Curriculum & Standards and Finance, Premises & Personnel. Governors were often delegated to perform specific roles or get involved in school projects with a strategic or organisational dimension, for example major building projects. They were always keen to hear from school stakeholders, and very much enjoyed meeting them at the various school events.
Former Board
Alison Mould – Chair
Link Governor for Leadership and Management – with responsibility for vision, strategy, staff continued professional development, engaging parents, well being and mental health of all and governor training and succession planning.
Link Governor for Seedlings and Early Years Foundation Stage - with responsibility for ensuring that the curriculum implementation provides both emotional and academic success for all within the EYFS.
Carl Allen – Vice Chair - Chair of the Finance & General Purposes Committee
Link Governor for premises and budget – with responsibility for health and safety, asset register, budget setting and review
Nick Chandler - Vice Chair - Chair of the Curriculum & Standards Committee
Link Governor for Safeguarding – with responsibility for safeguarding, child protection.
Link Governor for Seedlings and Early Years Foundation Stage - with responsibility for ensuring that the curriculum implementation provides both emotional and academic success for all within the EYFS.
Catherine Brooks - Parent Governor
Link Governor for Inclusion – with responsibility for pupils: with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, with English as an Additional Language, who are eligible for Pupil Premium, who are Looked After and who are More Able or talented.
Kate Webster - Headteacher
Katherine McLoughlin - Link Governor for Key Stage 2 – with responsibility for ensuring:
Lynden Easton
Rebecca Burgess
Mary Shen - Link Governor - fundraising
Maximilian D'Arche - Link Governor for Key Stage 1 – with responsibility for ensuring:
Patrice Eastman – Staff Governor - elected by the staff - Link Governor for Website Compliance