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Year 2 - Oak Class Information


My name Miss Coppins and I am your child’s teachers this year.  We are supported by our teaching assistant Ms Sundell. Here is some information to get you started:

  • One piece of homework (one piece of maths or one piece of English) will be uploaded onto Class Dojo on Wednesdays, along with weekly spellings, and should be completed online by Mondays. Homework is NOT returned to school.
  • Your child should read (and answer questions about their reading) each night.  They can record this independently in their reading record. Children can change their reading books as they finish them by returning their book and their reading record. Although children can change their books any day please make sure your child brings their signed reading record to school every Monday. Our class book corner has a range of genres accessible for all readers.
  • PE takes place on on Fridays.  PE kits should be worn to school on these days. Year 2 will have swimming this term on a Wednesday afternoon.  
  • Please make sure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • We have a morning play on the playground from 10.10-10.20 and a lunch time from 12.00-1.00. 
  • Each Thursday we pick two school value leaf winners who are awarded these in an in-class assembly. Our school values are respect, creativity, independence, collaboration and confidence.
  • Children score house points for fantastic learning and good choices (we find out which house has the most points on Thursdays).
  • In the mornings, we will have a Guided Reading, English and Maths lessons.  In the afternoons, we have a range of lessons such as science, geography, art, music, RE, PE, computing, history and DT. You can see our Spring term timetable attached. Please be advised that this can be subject to change.