School Meals at Park Walk
We want to help children gain a real appreciation for good quality food, where it comes from, how it is produced and why healthy food is important.
The school meal service is provided by Principles Catering.
All meals are cooked from fresh ingredients every day on site, we offer children a wonderful choice of hot food, fresh vegetables, freshly baked bread, fresh salad and fruit.
If your child has a special diet due to medical or religious reasons please let the school office know. It is vital the school is aware of any food allergies that your child may have so we can adjust the menu for them. Please provide allergy certification from your doctor.
School Menu
School Meals
Primary school children in Reception - Year 6 classes in state-funded schools in London will get free school meals for the 2024/25 school year. The Mayor of London is providing the funding as an emergency cost of living support measure.
Free School Meals
Other children may qualify for free school meals if either parents are receiving:
Please contact the school office if you require further information or the form to complete.
Packed Lunches
We ask that children bring healthy food options in their packed lunches, such as natural fruit and vegetables. Highly processed foods are less healthy and may contain more preservatives.
We ask that children do not have fizzy drinks or highly sugared drinks, sweets or chocolate within their pack lunch.
We ask that children DO NOT bring nuts or nut spread, we are a NUT FREE school.