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Equalities Information and Objectives

At Park Walk we strive to create a safe and secure learning environment where children feel valued and happy. Through our values of Respect, Creativity, Confidence, Independence and Collaboration, we equip children with the skills and tools to become life-long learners.

We welcome our duty under the Equality Act 2010 and take these duties seriously.


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations


We are required to publish equality information and objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages. At Park Walk we comply with all of the protected characteristics, however we are required to choose two objectives with a specific focus relevant to pupils at the school.


Our chosen school objectives are: 

Equality Objective

Action to be taken to achieve the objective

Ensure that children are not being disadvantaged by belonging to a particular gender group

  • track progress for gender groups
  • track attainment for gender groups
  • provide support and training for staff
  • provide interventions that enable the removal of barriers

Remove the barriers to learning for pupils with SEND and ensure they are making progress.


  • track progress for pupils on the SEND provision map
  • track attainment for pupils on the SEND provision map
  • target appropriate interventions at those pupils
  • update provision map in response to progress made
  • provide support and training for staff
  • ensure reasonable adjustments are in place for pupils with SEND.
  • provide auxiliary aids and services to disabled pupils where it is reasonable to do so to alleviate disadvantage
  • where appropriate, engage and work with outside agencies to achieve the best progress for our pupils

The objectives are reviewed and updated by the Board of Governors.


Equality Information and Objectives Policy - December 2020
